Title | IEEE Standard Conformance Test Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems and Associated Interfaces | |
Acronym | IEEE 1547.1 | |
Published Year | 2020 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | EMC, Power Quality, Testing Procedure | |
Country | IA | |
Link | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9097534 | |
Abstract |
Segment: Micro scale or LV or MV connected
Title | IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems | |
Acronym | IEEE 1547 | |
Published Year | 2018 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | Electrical Installation, EMC, Power Quality | |
Country | IA | |
Link | https://standards.ieee.org/ieee/1547/5915/ | |
Abstract |
Title | VDE-Bestimmung für Akkumulatoren und Batterie-Anlagen | |
Acronym | DIN VDE 0510-485-2 | |
Published Year | 2019 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | ||
Country | DE | |
Link | https://www.vde-verlag.de/standards/0500138/din-en-iec-62485-2-vde-0510-485-2-2019-04.html | |
Abstract |
Title | Sähkön pientuotannon liittäminen verkkoon | |
Acronym | Sähkön pientuotannon liittäminen verkkoon | |
Published Year | ||
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | Electrical Installation, EMC, Metering, Power Quality | |
Country | FI | |
Link | https://www.helensahkoverkko.fi/sahkoliittymat/pientuotannon-liittaminen#:~:text=Pientuotanto%20alle%2050%20kVA&text=Tuotantolaitoksen%20saa%20kytke%C3%A4%20vain%20asianmukaiset,my%C3%B6s%20tekee%20pakollisen%20ilmoituksen%20verkkoyhti%C3%B6lle.&text=yleistietolomakkeen%20ja%20l%C3%A4hett%C3%A4%C3%A4%20sen%20yhteydenottolomakkeen%20kautta. | |
Abstract |
Title | Connection of micro-generation to the electricity distribution network | |
Acronym | Network recommendation YA9:09 | |
Published Year | 2020 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | Electrical Installation, EMC, Metering, Power Quality | |
Country | FI | |
Link | https://silo.tips/download/connection-of-micro-generation-to-the-electricity-distribution-network | |
Abstract |
Title | Technical Guide to the connetion of generation to the distribution network | |
Acronym | Technical Guide | |
Published Year | 2014 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | ||
Country | GB | |
Link | https://www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/internet/asset/ab62c3e0-285b-40e6-b909-389ba22ee1eK/A+guide+for+connecting+generation+to+the+distribution+network+G59-3+50kW+or+less+.pdf | |
Abstract |
Title | Gesetz für die Erhaltung, die Modernisierung und den Ausbau der Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung | |
Acronym | KWKG2020 | |
Published Year | 2020 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | ||
Country | DE | |
Link | https://www.clearingstelle-eeg-kwkg.de/kwkg2023 | |
Abstract |
Title | CETC Compilation Interconnection Agreements DER | |
Acronym | CETC | |
Published Year | 2019 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | ||
Country | ||
Link | https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy19osti/72102.pdf | |
Abstract |
Title | Impianti di produzione eolica | |
Acronym | CEI 11-32 (old : CEI 11-32: V1) | |
Published Year | 2000 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | Wind | |
Topic | ||
Country | IT | |
Link | https://standards.globalspec.com/std/1502532/cei-11-32 | |
Abstract |
Title | Regola tecnica di riferimento per la connessione di Utenti attivi e passivi alle reti AT ed MT delle imprese distributrici di energia elettrica Foglio di interpretazione F1 | |
Acronym | CEI 0 -16: V1 | |
Published Year | 2022 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | ||
Country | IT | |
Link | https://www.ceinorme.it/doc/norme/18308.pdf | |
Abstract |
Title | Impianti di produzione di energia elettrica e gruppi di continuità collegati a reti di I e II categoria | |
Acronym | CEI 11-20: V1 | |
Published Year | 2008 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | ||
Country | IT | |
Link | https://docplayer.it/10178284-Norma-cei-11-20-impianti-di-produzione-di-energia-elettrica-e-gruppi-di-continuita-collegati-a-reti-di-i-e-ii-categoria.html | |
Abstract |
Title | Überspannungsschutz für photovoltaische (PV) Stromerzeugungssysteme | |
Acronym | DIN EN 61173 | |
Published Year | ||
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | PV | |
Topic | Protection/ Safety | |
Country | DE | |
Link | https://www.en-standard.eu/din-en-61173-uberspannungsschutz-fur-photovoltaische-pv-stromerzeugungssysteme-leitfaden-iec-61173-1992-deutsche-fassung-en-61173-1994/ | |
Abstract |
Title | Bemessungsdaten direktgekoppelter photovoltaischer (PV) Pumpensysteme | |
Acronym | DIN EN 61702 | |
Published Year | ||
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | PV | |
Topic | ||
Country | DE | |
Link | https://www.beuth.de/en/standard/din-en-61702/31888383 | |
Abstract |
Title | Selbsttätige Schaltstelle zwischen einer netzparallelen Eigenerzeugeranlage und dem öffentlichen Niederspannungsnetz | |
Acronym | DIN 0126-1-1 | |
Published Year | 2013 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | Protection/ Safety | |
Country | DE | |
Link | https://www.dke.de/de/normen-standards/dokument?id=7032174&type=dke%7Cdokument | |
Abstract |
Title | Elektrische Anlagen von Gebäuden – Teil 5 | |
Acronym | DIN VDE 0100-551 | |
Published Year | 2018 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | ||
Country | DE | |
Link | https://www.vde-verlag.de/standards/1100533/e-din-vde-0100-551-vde-0100-551-2018-12.html | |
Abstract |
Title | Inverters, Converters and Controllers for Use in Independent Power Systems | |
Acronym | UL 1741 | |
Published Year | 2021 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | ||
Country | ||
Link | https://www.shopulstandards.com/ProductDetail.aspx?UniqueKey=40673 | |
Abstract |
Title | Draft Standard for Conformance Test Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems (Draft 2) | |
Acronym | IEEE P1547.1 | |
Published Year | Reviewed 2020 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | Testing Procedure | |
Country | ||
Link | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8951457 | |
Abstract This standard specifies the type, production, commissioning, and periodic tests and evaluations that shall be performed to confirm that the interconnection and interoperation functions of equipment and systems interconnecting distributed energy resources (DERs) with the electric power system (EPS) conform to IEEE Std 1547, as revised, corrected, or amended |
Title | Draft Application Guide for IEEE Std. 1547, IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems (Draft 1 Outline) | |
Acronym | IEEE P1547.2 | |
Published Year | Reviewed 2017 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | ||
Country | ||
Link | https://standards.ieee.org/ieee/1547.2/7166/ | |
Abstract The guide facilitates the use of IEEE Std 1547-2018 by characterizing various forms of distributed energy resource (DER) technologies and their associated interconnection issues. It provides background and rationale of the technical requirements of IEEE Std 1547-2018. It also provides tips, techniques, and rules of thumb, and it addresses topics related to DER project implementation to enhance the user’s understanding of how IEEE Std 1547-2018 may relate to those topics |
Title | Condiciones técnicas de la instalación de autoproductores | |
Acronym | MT 3.53.01 | |
Published Year | March, 2016 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | Electrical Installation | |
Country | ES | |
Link | https://www.i-de.es/socdis/gc/prod/es_ES/contenidos/docs/MT_2_90_01.pdf | |
Abstract |
Title | Technical requirements for connection of dispersed generation systems operating in parallel on the distribution network | |
Acronym | C10/11 | |
Published Year | 2018 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | Protection/ Safety | |
Country | BE | |
Link | http://www.synergrid.be/download.cfm?fileId=20180720_draft_C10-11_EN_v0_2_LV1.pdf&language_code=NED | |
Abstract |
Title | Algemeen Reglement op de Elektrische Installaties (AREI) | |
Acronym | AREI | |
Published Year | 2020 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | Protection/ Safety | |
Country | BE | |
Link | https://economie.fgov.be/nl/publicaties/algemeen-reglement-op-de | |
Abstract |
Title | Technische und Organisatorische Regeln – networks and loads | |
Acronym | TOR - Part B | |
Published Year | 2019 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | Electrical Installation | |
Country | AT | |
Link | replaced by TOR Producer | |
Abstract |
Title | Technische und Organisatorische Regeln – Part C | |
Acronym | TOR - Part C | |
Published Year | 2009 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | Electrical Installation | |
Country | AT | |
Link | https://www.e-control.at/documents/1785851/1811528/tor-c-20091005-v2.pdf/16ddb305-6d9c-4621-b1fe-38e04cd27bf7?t=1413910853419 | |
Abstract |
Title | Technische und Organisatorische Regeln – Part D1 | |
Acronym | TOR - Part D1 | |
Published Year | 2004 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | Electrical Installation, EMC | |
Country | AT | |
Link | https://www.e-control.at/documents/1785851/1811363/tor-d1-20040614-v2-0.pdf/dcf3d8fc-27d8-42af-a6c4-3108fbef8ce1?t=1437753916229 | |
Abstract |
Title | Technische und Organisatorische Regeln – Part D4 | |
Acronym | TOR - Part D4 | |
Published Year | ||
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | Electrical Installation | |
Country | AT | |
Link | relaced TOR producer | |
Abstract |
Title | Technische und Organisatorische Regeln – Part F | |
Acronym | TOR - Part F | |
Published Year | 2011 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | Electrical Installation, Metering | |
Country | AT | |
Link | https://www.e-control.at/documents/1785851/1811363/TOR_F_20110308_V2.2_aa.pdf/7fc39f90-3a45-4aab-bb2b-9e7ce0058ad0?t=1413909233113 | |
Abstract |
Title | Technische und Organisatorische Regeln – Part A | |
Acronym | TOR - Part A | |
Published Year | 2021 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | Electrical Installation | |
Country | AT | |
Link | https://www.e-control.at/documents/1785851/1811582/TOR+Begriffe+V1.1.pdf/cb813307-a5e8-d1d0-bf7c-44108e9afe86?t=1649703876446 | |
Abstract |
Title | Technische und Organisatorische Regeln | |
Acronym | TOR | |
Published Year | 2022 | |
Segment | Micro scale or LV or MV connected | |
Energy Source | non-specific | |
Topic | Electrical Installation | |
Country | AT | |
Link | https://www.e-control.at/documents/1785851/1811582/TOR+%C3%9Cbersicht+V2.5+ab+18.04.2022.pdf/bd9e9d49-cbfc-ddb4-1c69-00c0690607ae?t=1649758907233 | |
Abstract |