the success of the future project Industrie 4.0 will require an unprec_x0002_edented degree of system integration across domain borders, hierarchy borders and life cycle phases. This can only be achieved on the basis of consensus-based standards and
specifications. With the Standardization Roadmap Industrie 4.0 now published, the Stand_x0002_ardization Council Industrie 4.0 (SCI 4.0), together with DIN and DKE, has presented a stra_x0002_tegic and technically oriented document in which experts from industry, research, science and politics, across disciplines, describe the current development status of Industrie 4.0, outline the requirements for standards, specifications and industry standards, and provide impetus for successful implementation. To ensure successful implementation, SCI 4.0 brings together stakeholders in Germany and, together with experts from industry, research and the standards organizations DIN and DKE, develops a consolidated national basic position (national harmonization) which is reflected in the recommendations for action and application formulated here. At the end of the process, the goal is to initiate digital production standards and to coordinate them first nationally and then internationally.