Title | ENTSO-E Capacity Allocation and Nomination System (ECAN) Implementation Guide | |
Acronym | ENTSO-E Capacity Allocation and Nomination (ECAN) | |
Document Type | Standard | |
Committee | ENTSO-E | |
Published Year | 2011 | |
Link | https://docstore.entsoe.eu/Documents/EDI/Library/depreciated/03%20ecan%20version%206r0.pdf | |
Abstract The objective of this implementation guide is to make it possible for software vendors to develop an IT application for market players that can exchange information for transmission capacity rights allocations and nominations within the congestion management and scheduling processes. The implementation guide is one of the building blocks for using UML (Unified Modelling Language) based techniques in defining processes and messages for interchange between actors in the electrical industry in Europe. The implementation guide is developed for the harmonisation of the underlying data exchange process and not as a guideline for creation of new allocation rules. The model described in this document shall reflect the various procedures that are used in Europe at present. |