Title Guidance for the application of conformity assessment to accessibility requirements for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe
Acronym CEN/CLC/ETSI TR 101 552
Document Type Standard
Published Year 2014
Link https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_tr/101500_101599/101552/01.00.00_60/tr_101552v010000p.pdf

This Technical Report (TR) incorporates all information and documentation needed in the frame of the procurement process in order to allow conveying the assessment of accessibility via conformity with the functional accessibility requirements contained in EN 301 549 (see clause 2, i), regardless of whether self-declaration, second party attestation or third party certification is requested, and with award criteria: the
criteria, by which the award of a contract is judged.
In addition, this Technical Report provides procuring bodies with guidance on conformity assessment
mechanisms for accessibility as part of contract management in the post-award stage. It is also useful in thepre-procurement research phase as well as during the contract negotiations. Finally it may be consulted bybidders preparing an offer