Title Network Code on Operational Planning and Scheduling
Document Type Standard
Committee ENSTSO-E
Published Year 2013
Link https://eepublicdownloads.entsoe.eu/clean-documents/pre2015/resources/OPS_NC/130924-AS_NC_OPS_2nd_Edition_final.pdf

This Network Code represents ENTSO-E’s second edition of the Network Code on Operational Planning and Scheduling, in line with the ACER Framework Guidelines on Electricity System Operation published on 02 December 2011 after the EC mandate letter
was received by ENTSO-E on 24 February 2012. It reflects the comments received by ENTSO-E during the public consultation held between 07 November 2012 and 07 January 2013. Furthermore, it is based on the input received through extensive discussions and meetings with stakeholders, ACER and the European Commission. Finally, it takes into account remarks on desired changes, issued in ACER opinion on 19 June 2013.