Title Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection Applicable to all Generators
Acronym ENTSO-E RfG
Document Type Standard
Committee ENSTSO-E
Published Year 2013
Link hthttps://eepublicdownloads.entsoe.eu/clean-documents/pre2015/resources/RfG/130308_Final_Version_NC_RfG.pdf

This document reflects the work done by ENTSO-E in line with the ACER Framework Guidelines on
Electricity Grid Connections published on 20 July 2011 after the EC mandate letter was received by
ENTSO-E on 29 July 2011. This document takes into account the comments received by ENTSO-E
during the public consultation of the “Draft Network Code for requirements for grid connection
applicable to all generators” it has organised between 24 January and 20 March 2012 in an open
and transparent manner in compliance with Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009. It
furthermore includes the outcomes of numerous bilateral and common user group meetings and
working sessions with stakeholders, the DSOs Technical Expert Group, as well as
bilateral/trilateral meetings with ACER and with the EC.