Title Overview of digital subscriber line (DSL) Recommendations
Acronym ITU-T G.995.1
Document Type Standard
Committee ITU-T STUDY GROUP 15
Published Year 1999
Link https://www.itu.int/rec/dologin_pub.asp?lang=e&id=T-REC-G.995.1-199907-S!!PDF-E&type=items

This Recommendation provides the necessary guidance and an overview of the DSL family of Recommendations and is therefore informative. Specifically, this Recommendation contains an overview of the DSL family of Recommendations, and a description of how the various Recommendations in this family are related. It also contains a definition of a generic system reference configuration and how it relates to the system reference models of the DSL Recommendations. Additionally, the definition of a generic protocol reference architecture for DSL Recommendations and derivations of the appropriate user or management plane protocol reference architectures for the DSL Recommendations is included. Also illustrations of the data service presentation options using the DSL Recommendations is provided. Finally, a glossary of the terms used in the DSL Recommendations is also included.