Title | Power transformers – Part 10: Determination of sound levels | |
Acronym | IEC 60076-10 | |
Document Type | Standard | |
Committee | TC 14 - POWER TRANSFORMERS | |
Published Year | 2016 | |
Link | https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/24410 | |
Abstract IEC 60076-10:2016 defines sound pressure and sound intensity measurement methods from which sound power levels of transformers, reactors and their associated cooling devices are determined. The methods are applicable to transformers, reactors and their cooling devices – either fitted to or separate from the transformer – as covered by the IEC 60076 and IEC 61378 series. This standard is primarily intended to apply to measurements made at the factory. Conditions on-site can be very different because of the proximity of objects, including other transformers. Nevertheless, this standard is applied to the extent possible for on site measurements. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: |