Title Technical Guidelines for Radial HVDC Networks
Acronym CLC TR 50609
Document Type Standard
Published Year 2014
Link https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/clc/a43f80eb-aede-4840-a200-4699aad03ca8/clc-tr-50609-2014

This Technical Report applies to HVDC Systems having more than two converter stations connected to a common DC network, also referred to as HVDC Grid Systems. Serving the near term applications, this report describes radial HVDC network structures as well as pure VSC based solutions. Both grounded and ungrounded DC circuits are considered. Based on typical requirements applied to state of the art HVDC converter stations today this report addresses aspects that are specifically related to the design and operation of converter stations and DC circuits in HVDC Grid Systems. The requirements from the AC systems as known today are included. Secondary effects associated with changing the AC systems, e.g. the replacement of rotating machines by power electronic devices, are not within the scope of the present report. The report summarises applications and concepts of HVDC Grid Systems with the purpose of preparing the ground for standardization of such systems. The interface requirements and functional specifications given in this document are intended to support the specification and purchase of multi vendor multiterminal HVDC Grid Systems