Title Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN); Security Design Guide; Method for application of Common Criteria to ETSI deliverables
Acronym ETSI EG 202 387
Document Type Standard
Published Year 2005
Link https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_eg/202300_202399/202387/01.01.01_60/eg_202387v010101p.pdf

The present document is a guide to the development of standards that allow compliant product to be considered for product evaluation under the Common Criteria scheme [20].
NOTE: Within Europe there is mutual recognition of CC evaluation results for all assurance levels.
The present document gives guidance to standards authors (rapporteurs and contributors) on the scope and application of the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation [20] and how ETSI standards may becdeveloped to meet the goals and objectives of the Common Criteria.cThe purpose of the present document is to provide developers of security standards with a summary of the requirementscof ISO/IEC-15408 [20] in the context of standardization and to give guidance on how formal methods and othercengineering techniques can be used to ensure that standards meet, as far as is possible, the requirements ofcISO/IEC 15408 [20] and do not prevent an implementation from achieving an appropriate EAL.