Title Very high speed digital subscriber line transceivers (VDSL)
Acronym ITU-T G.993.1
Document Type Standard
Committee ITU-T STUDY GROUP 16
Published Year 2004
Link https://www.itu.int/rec/dologin_pub.asp?lang=e&id=T-REC-G.993.1-200406-I!!PDF-E&type=items

G.993.1 VDSL (Very high speed Digital Subscriber Line) permits the transmission of asymmetric and symmetric aggregate data rates up to tens of Mbit/s on twisted pairs. G.993.1 is an access technology that exploits the existing infrastructure of copper wires that were originally deployed for POTS services. While POTS uses approximately the lower 4 kHz and ADSL/HDSL use approximately 1 MHz of the copper wire spectrum, G.993.1 uses up to 12 MHz of the spectrum. G.993.1 can be deployed from central offices or from Fibre-fed cabinets located near the customerpremises. G.993.1 includes worldwide frequency plans that allow asymmetric and symmetric services in the same group of wire pairs (known as a binder). This is accomplished by designating frequency bands
for the transmission of upstream and downstream signals. G.993.1 transceivers must overcome many types of ingress interference from radio and other transmission techniques that occur in the same frequencies of typical deployment scenarios. Similarly, G.993.1 transmission power levels have been designed to minimize potential egress interference into other transmission systems.